Fetch an Alert
Get a specific alert.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Export alert details.
Type of alert, e.g., FRAUD, DISPUTE.
Transaction amount for the alert. $139.38 will be represented as 139.38
Date and time when the alert was created.
Indicates if the credit associated with the alert was appealed.
Id for the alert.
Specific sub-provider within the provider service.
Date and time when the transaction took place.
Actions taken by the acquirer in response to the alert. Only relevant for RDR and other acquirer side alerts - either Resolved or Declined.
Unique identifier for the alert within the provider's system. Will match the id field.
Acquirer Reference Number, unique identifier for the transaction.
Authorization code for the transaction, if available.
The redacted card number, e.g., 424242****1234.
The card network (e.g., Visa, Mastercard, Amex).
Additional notes or information regarding the credit status.
Status of the credit (if any) associated with the alert.
Currency code in ISO format (e.g., USD, EUR) for the transaction.
Customer's email address associated with the alert, if available.
Unique identifier for the customer associated with the alert, if available.
Billing descriptor shown on the card statement.
External charge id related to the alert.
URL linking to an external reference for the alert.
Date and time when the alert was invoiced.
Issuer of the card (e.g., bank or financial institution).
Identifier for the merchant within the system.
Provider associated with the alert. Possible values: ethoca, verifi
Reason code associated with the alert, often indicating the nature of the dispute.
Indicates if the alert was resolved via API.
Date and time when the alert was resolved.
Response action taken in response to the alert.
Merchant's website or site string associated with the alert.