Upload Orders
Upload orders to the chargeblast system. This will allow you to match disputes and chargebacks to the orders you have uploaded. Amount should be in cents, e.g. $19.99 => amount = 1999
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.chargeblast.com/api/v2/orders/upload \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"orders": [
"authCode": "<string>",
"amount": 123,
"bin": "<string>",
"descriptor": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"transactionDate": "<string>",
"brand": "<string>",
"gateway": "<string>",
"arn": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"last4": "<string>",
"refunded": true
"message": "<string>"
Query Parameters
The amount, in cents, of the order. For example, $19.99 would be 1999.
The internal id of the order in your CRM.
The 3 character currency (case insensitive). E.g. 'usd'.
The date of the charge either in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ format or yyyy-MM-dd format.
The authorization code of the charge. Used for matching purposes.
First 6 digits of the card.
The billing descriptor of the charge.
The brand of the card (case insensitive). visa, mastercard, amex, discover. Other values will default to unknown
If multiple gateways are used, the gateway of the transaction. Used for analytics only.
The acquirer reference number of the charge, if available.
The 3 character currency (case insensitive). E.g. 'usd'.
Last 4 digits of the card.
Whether the transaction has already been refunded.
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.chargeblast.com/api/v2/orders/upload \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"orders": [
"authCode": "<string>",
"amount": 123,
"bin": "<string>",
"descriptor": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>",
"transactionDate": "<string>",
"brand": "<string>",
"gateway": "<string>",
"arn": "<string>",
"status": "<string>",
"last4": "<string>",
"refunded": true
"message": "<string>"